PCs that can cast spells will gain additional spell points as they advance in experience levels. PCs with high prime attributes will gain more spell points than PCs with low prime attributes. Example - A Magic-user with an intelligence score of 18 is likely to receive more spell points on advancement than a Magic-user with an intelligence of 15.
When a PC advances a level, he may be eligible to learn more spells. PCs with higher prime attribute scores will not only receive greater amounts of spell points but will be able to learn a greater number of new spells as well. Example - A level 1 magic user with an intelligence of 18 can learn 3 level 1 spells, while a level 1 magic user with a 16 intelligence can only learn 1 level 1 spell.
Spell points are regained over time. PCs will regain spell points at a rate of 1 point per 2 levels of experience every hour. Thus 1st, 2nd and level PCs gain 1 point per hour, 3th and 4th level PCs gain 2 points per hour, 5th and 6th level PCs gain 3 points per hour, etc....
For charts showing the number of spells known by Magic-users and Enchanters as they advance in levels, see "SPELLS KNOWN" in the appendix.
Spell Casting
Spell Level: There are seven levels of spells that a PC can cast, with each level containing 12 spells.
Spell Points: Spell Points are the unit of energy that a spell caster uses to cast spells. The more spell points a PC has, the more spells he can cast, and at higher power levels, before he must rest to regain points.
Power Level: Most spells can be cast using additional spell points to increase their power level. The higher the power level, the more effective the spell will be.
Area of Effect: Different spells affect different areas. Some affect individuals, some affect a large area etc. For a listing of the different types of areas of effect, see "AREA OF EFFECT" in the appendix.
Casting Spells
To cast spells, simply click the spell cast button.
This button will only be visible when the PC currently selected is capable of casting a spell. The spell selection screen will appear and will allow the PC to select the spell and power level of the spell they wish to cast.
A green light next to the spell will indicate that you CAN cast this spell at the time. If a Red light appears, you cannot cast that spell in the present circumstances.
A small eye displayed next the 'Area of Effect' display indicates that the caster must be able to see the target in order to cast the spell.
After selecting the spell you wish to cast, you must select the POWER LEVEL of the spell. Various spells have various affects at higher levels (SEE SPELL DESCRIPTIONS). Higher POWER LEVELS require a greater number spell points to cast. If the Spell Points required by the spell at the requested POWER LEVEL is greater than that available to the caster, the POWER LEVEL is reduced to the maximum possible with the available Spell Points.
  To target spells during combat place the cursor over the desired target and hit the " T " key on the keyboard. To remove a target simply repeat the process.
Spell casting: Spell casting consists of three phases. A PC selects a spell to cast, selects targets, then actually casts the spell. Only PCs capable of casting magic and who have not taken damage in the current combat round can cast spells. In addition, some spells cast on the PC may prevent them from casting spells. Example - A PC suffering from the effects of a dumb struck spell or sleep spell is not capable of casting even though they may not have taken damage in the current round. To cast a spell, click on the spell cast button. This will display the spell cast window. After you have selected a spell to cast you must target the recipient. The only exception to this is if the spell automatically affects specific targets. During target selection, the targeting control panel will be displayed instead of the combat control panel.
1) Name of the spell being cast. 
2) Current and maximum range of
the spell.
3) Spell icon.
4) Power level of the spell being
5) Displays the area of effect for the spell being cast. A shield symbol means
that spot is not in the area of effect.
6) This area has buttons you can click to perform actions. You can also hit the
first letter (Dispalyed in yellow) on the keyboard. i.e. You can target spell by
hitting the " T " key on the keyboard.
7) Decrease (left arrow) or increase (right arrow) power level of spell. This
will only work on spells that do not launch as soon as they are cast.
If the spell being cast can only be targeted on those the caster is capable of
seeing, then a small eye will appear where the number 5 appears above.
To move the screen around so you may see enemies that are far away simply click the mouse button to center the screen on the cursor. You may move around the screen very quickly using this method.
" T "arget - Hitting the " T " key selects targets for spells or missile weapons. If the cursor is over a current target this will remove the target.
Abort - will cause the spell to be canceled.
Space - will cause the spell to be cast. If you wish to cast the spell before targeting the maximum number allowed, this will cause the spell to be launched immediately.
Next - Prev - Center - work in an identical fashion as in the combat control panel described above.
Clicking on any PC or Monster while holding the command key down will display their combat information block.
Area of effect for spells
1) Area Spells: Spells that cover larger areas at higher Power Levels.
2) Multi Target: Spells that allow the caster to select one target per Power Level of the spell.
3) Self: These spells affect the spell caster only and do not allow the caster to select targets.
4) Ray: Spells that travel in a line from the caster to the target and will affect any creature that lies in between the two.
5) Fixed: These spells cover a fixed area regardless of the Power Level.
6) Rotating: Spells with a fixed size but the caster can rotate the area of affect by pressing the return key on the keyboard during targeting.
7) Touch: These spells affect only targets that the PC can touch or is adjacent to.
8) Open Area: These spells affect an open area only, not creatures. Example - The spell 'Summon Monster' must be cast into an open area for the monsters to materialize in.
9) Friend: These spells will affect everyone that is friendly to the spell caster.
10) Enemy: These spells will affect everyone that in hostile towards the spell caster.
11) Special: These spells have a special area of affect that may change according to the spell. Example - Repulsive Bubble affects all squares adjacent to the caster, but not the caster.
12) Single: These spells will affect a single target.
13) Party: These spells will affect the party as a whole. These spells are not combat spells but rather general spells used during the adventure. i.e. Fly, Water Breathing, Feather Fall etc...
Spell Damage
Spells do many different things, but many have the sole purpose of causing physical damage to the target. The different types of damage caused by spells can be broken down into eight categories plus a special category.
Heat: Spells that create heat or flame.
Cold: Spells that remove heat from a area.
Electrical: Spells that produce electricity.
Chemical: Spells that produce a caustic substance.
Mental: Spells that attack the mind.
Magical: Spells that use arcane powers to cause damage.
Physical: Spells that cause damage by physical means such as crushing or cutting.
Charm: Spells that attempt to tinker with the workings of the mind without actually harming the mind.
Special: Spells that do not cause physical damage, but rather attempt to impart a physical condition such as Flesh to Stone, Entangle, etc...
Note: Some spells such as Wall of Force or Wall of Flame can be rotated to different orientations. The cursor will become a rotating arrow to signify that the spell can be rotated. To rotate the spell through it's different orientations hit the return key.
Using Scrolls Cases: To use a scroll case click on the scroll button when it appears. This button will only appear when the selected PC can use a scroll. Scroll cases must be equipped to use. To cast a spell from the scroll case click on the name of the scroll. Scroll cases have a maximum capacity of 5 scrolls.
Using Scrolls: To use a solitary scroll, i.e. one that is not inside a scroll case, you must USE that item from within the items screen.
Scrolls that you find or purchase CANNOT be inserted into a scroll case.
Making Scrolls: While in camp, PCs who can cast spells can create scrolls by clicking on the create scroll button. These scrolls will be added to the scroll case that the PC has equipped. They cannot be removed or traded as individual scrolls once created.
NOTE: This button will only appear when the selected PC has a piece of parchment, and a scroll case equipped, and is capable of casting spells.
NOTE: To create a scroll, the caster must expend twice the normal spell points required to cast the spell.
Casting spells during an encounter
From time to time the party will be involved in special encounters that may require them to cast a certain spell in order to complete a task. Many of these spells may have no visible effect when cast at any other time. It is for these special cases that many of the spells exist. HINT: As an example, if you enter the library in the City of Bywater and cast the spell 'Detect Magic', it will reveal a special book that is on the shelves. It is in this type of encounter that many spells may be used to find new and interesting ways to solve puzzles.
Authors note: Be warned, however, that one cannot account for all the possible results of each spell being cast in every situation. Some spells that may seem like they should have some desired result in a given situation, may have no result at all. Even Realmz has its programming limitations.